News Release

Aquilon Pharmaceuticals passes an important milestone in the development of novel treatments for inhalation therapy.

Aquilon Pharmaceuticals has passed an important milestone in the development of its first treatment AQ001S, based on a technological complex combining Budesonide and a Cyclodextrin (HP-Betadex).

Following the successful completion of its toxicity trials, Aquilon Pharmaceuticals has now initiated clinical trials in humans. The first pharmacokinetic trial, conducted in 4 x 24 subjects, comparing the Budesonide – HP-Betadex complex with a Budesonide reference product (Pulmicort), showed results, confirming the early-stage findings.

“No side effects have been reported, in neither of the three groups of patients treated with our product or with Pulmicort” confirms Paul Maes, CEO and co-founder of Aquilon Pharma. This demonstrates the safety of our product! On top of that, the pharmacokinetics of our product are linear and similar to the reference product,” he adds.

Aquilon Pharmaceuticals tend to believe that these positive results will pave the way for a simplified registration procedure with the FDA (USA) and allow a shortened time to marketing authorization.

The US market is one of the focus markets for Aquilon Pharmaceuticals, who recently brought in some industry experts who will bring all the required expertise and experience necessary to successfully complete the registration file with the FDA in the USA.

Aquilon Pharma develops “Value Added Inhaled Medicines” by reformulating known molecules and therefore improving their effectiveness when administered by inhalation. The novel formulations, based on creating HP-Betadex complexes, provide a better pulmonary deposition of the molecule and thus a better local bioavailability.

Aquilon Pharma is a spin-off from the University of Liege, founded at the end of 2013, specializing in the improvement of existing treatments for pulmonary diseases, such as Asthma and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Diseases (COPD) and the co-development of novel inhaled treatments.

Chronic respiratory diseases are among the leading causes of mortality and morbidity around the world, and their prevalence continues to grow, as reported by the World Health Organization (WHO).

Thanks to the results of this first trial, Aquilon Pharmaceuticals has achieved a major step in realizing its ambition and have just taken a decisive step in their development.


(*) Aquilon Pharma ( ) Aquilon Pharma has already filed 8 patents worldwide in this context. The US patent was granted in June 2018 by the USPTO (the United States Patent and Trademark Office). Aquilon Pharma currently employs around 20 people. In the medium term, the company plans to employ around fifty people.

For more information, please contact:

  • Paul Maes, CEO, – +32(0)4/229.28.00 or +32(0)471/421.065
  • Damien Thiéry, COO & CCD, – +32(0)496/59.04.78

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