AQ002S, fixed ICS-LABA combination for nebulization
By reformulating existing ICS and LABA with its proprietary excipient technology, Aquilon Pharma makes ICS-LABA combinations soluble in water. This allows AQ002S to be optimized for any type of Nebulisers.

The answer to today’s needs in the field of asthma medication
Inhaled fixed ICS-LABA combinations are the basic treatment option for asthma patients
ICS-LABA can be delivered via several types of devices, however it is not commonly delivered via nebulization.
Vibrating mesh nebulizers have become the first choice for new nebulized pharmaceutical drug developments. Unfortunately, there is no ICS-LABA in solution available yet for these devices. Aquilon Pharma’s AQ002S liquid formulation (solution) for nebulization is the key.